What is Call Center Screen Recording? + 5 Big Benefits

    Call centers have moved far beyond just phone calls, despite the name. Modern consumers stay connected in a variety of ways—email, social media, phone calls, texting, live chat, and more—which means businesses need to do the same. And call center screen recording is key to keeping up with these new omnichannel demands.

    71% of customers report using different channels, depending on the context. This means that ensuring high quality customer service is even harder, as you need to be consistent across every single channel of communication.

    Typical quality assurance procedures can cover many of your bases, but often they exclude visual mediums. They simply cannot show you real examples of your agents at work, solving issues.

    In this article, we’ll explore how call center screen recording can give you deeper insights into processes and workflows, create better opportunities for targeted training sessions, improve regulatory compliance, and more.

    What is call center screen recording software

    Call center screen recording software is a technology designed to capture agents' on-screen activities in real-time. It’s an integral part of many quality assurance processes within modern call centers, giving evaluators a first-person view of how agents interact with customers, use software, and handle various tasks.

    The biggest advantage of using contact center screen recording is its ability to provide a clear, detailed view of an agent’s workflow.

    Evaluators can observe how efficiently reps manage calls, use customer relationship management (CRM) systems, navigate through their workflows and processes, and follow company protocols. This first-hand view is priceless for improving QA, ensuring that agents are consistently following protocols, and finding new opportunities to improve existing workflows.

    Some common features that come with call center screen recording software include:

    • Real-time monitoring: Supervisors can watch interactions live, allowing immediate intervention in case of an escalation, or if the agent deviates from standard procedures.
    • Searchable recordings: You can easily locate specific interactions using keywords or filters. This helps teams save time and ensure they can quickly access relevant data for training sessions or evaluations.
    • Annotations: Evaluators can observe and add notes directly to recordings, highlighting specific actions or behaviors to improve. Using annotations provides real-world examples of interactions, opening up a better avenue of communication for training opportunities or improving processes.
    • Integrations with existing tech: Most contact center screen recording software can integrate with the tools your evaluators are already using, such as CRMs, QA solutions, and others. This provides more context and information to improve the QA process, and by extent, the overall customer experience.

    Why do call centers use screen recording software? 5 biggest benefits

    Many call centers opt to use screen recording as part of their QA process, to help enhance operations and ensure they deliver top-tier service. Let’s look at five of the biggest benefits you can get from contact center screen recording software:

    • It enables omnichannel QA: In the modern contact center landscape, customers interact with business with more than just phone calls. There’s email, live chat, social media, and plenty of others too. Screen recording software allows you to monitor and evaluate these actions simultaneously, ensuring consistent service standards, better insights, and more targeted feedback for agents.
    • It ensures regulatory compliance: Adhering to regulations is critical for call centers that operate in specific industries, or in areas with data privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA. Call center screen recording software helps you ensure compliance by documenting all your interactions thoroughly. This detailed record keeping can be invaluable during audits and helps your evaluators coach more effectively.
    • It helps improve agent performance: With contact center screen recording, you get a first-hand view of how your agents handle customer interactions. This additional visibility allows your evaluators to identify opportunities for training and create targeted, actionable feedback with real examples to back it up. And by addressing specific performance issues, QA teams can help call center agents improve their skills, leading to more effective (and confident) customer service.
    • It boosts overall efficiency: Contact center screen recording software streamlines the QA process by making it easier to review and analyze interactions. You can quickly pinpoint areas where agents may struggle or where processes can be optimized. This increase in efficiency saves time and ensures that issues are addressed quickly, keeping operations running smoothly.
    • It enhances the customer experience: Ultimately, the goal of using screen recording is to provide a better customer experience. By ensuring that your reps are well trained, compliant, and efficient, you can deliver more positive and effective interactions. This leads to better customer retention and loyalty, and can impact your customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores, too.

    Why do call centers use screen recording software 5 biggest benefits

    Call center screen recording example

    Let’s go over a typical example of how screen recording in a call center environment can benefit both agents and QA evaluators.

    Imagine one of your agents is handling a complex customer query involving a billing issue. The customer has become frustrated, and the call could easily escalate if it’s not managed properly. With call center screen recording software, you can capture every detail of this interaction—from navigation through the billing system to on-screen notes and data entry.

    As the call progresses, the software records the agent’s actions, providing a comprehensive view of how they handle the situation. After the call, you review the recording and notice that the rep struggled with the billing software, causing delays and increasing the customer’s frustration.

    Using this screen recording, you can pinpoint the exact moment the issue arose and understand the root cause. You see that the agent needs additional call center training on the billing system to navigate it more efficiently, and that they could also brush up on some of their soft skills to help de-escalate tense situations. Additionally, you notice a potential software issue that, once resolved, could streamline the process for everyone.

    By sharing this recording during a feedback session, you provide concrete examples of what went wrong and how to improve. This targeted coaching helps the agent improve their skills and confidence with the billing system, leading to better interactions in the future.

    In the future, this screen recording can be used alongside others to create a compilation of interactions that showcase both good and negative interactions. These recordings can then be used in training workshops to illustrate common pitfalls and establish best practices, increasing efficiency among your staff. New agents can watch these examples to understand the nuances of effective customer service and learn how to handle various scenarios.

    How to choose the best call center screen recording software

    Selecting the right contact center screen recording software for your business is crucial if you want to deliver effective quality assurance. Which means that knowing what to look for in your chosen software—and what they offer—is vital.

    Does it have the features you need?

    To start, you should consider the features you’re looking for in your chosen software and what the vendor you’re looking at can offer you. Comprehensive features like real-time monitoring, detailed analytics, searchable recordings, and annotations are essential. Other benefits, like built-in AI or reporting, can also provide deeper insights into agent behavior.

    Does the pricing model work for you?

    Pricing models are another important factor. Look at the different options available from reputable vendors and find one that fits your budget. Some vendors may offer subscription-based pricing, while others might offer one-time purchases. Make sure the pricing reflects the value and features you’re looking for to maximize your return on investment.

    Does it integrate with your existing infrastructure?

    Integrations with your existing tech infrastructure are equally crucial, as having everything properly connected can significantly improve effectiveness. Your chosen call center screen recording software should be able to seamlessly integrate with your existing tech stack, such as CRMs, call systems, and other QA tools. A smooth integration saves time and reduces compatibility issues, ensuring a more efficient workflow.

    Does it meet your business requirements?

    Finally, make sure the solution you choose can meet your business's demands. Scalable software can accommodate a large number of agents as your business grows. Alternatively, if your call center exclusively operates with fewer staff, you may not need to look for higher scalability.

    How to use contact center screen recording effectively: 5 tips

    Set clear objectives

    Clarity is key. It’s important to establish why you’re using screen recording software. Do you want to improve CSAT, resolution times, or enhance your training? Setting clear, measurable goals will help you focus on what matters most and track your progress effectively.

    Talk to your agents

    Remember, your agents are on the frontlines, and they’re the ones who will be monitored, not you. It’s vital that you keep an open line of communication with them about the purpose and use of screen recording software. Explain to them how it will be used, its benefits, and how it can help improve their performance and make their jobs easier in the long run.

    Put clear guidelines in place

    To avoid any confusion, establish clear guidelines on how screen recordings will be used. This includes what is being recorded, how these recordings will be evaluated, and the privacy measures put in place to protect both your employees and customers—especially if you have remote agents that work on their personal computers. This transparency builds trust and ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to these screen recordings.

    Train your QA evaluators and agents

    Naturally, training your staff on how call center screen recording software works is essential to integrating it. Show both your evaluators and your agents how to use the software, including operational training on how to operate it (or how it works, in the case of agents) and how to interpret and learn from these recordings.

    Continuously improve by reviewing your recordings

    Finally, make screen recording analysis a part of your ongoing quality assurance and quality management processes. Work with your QA teams to add reviews into their regular workload to ensure they can get the most out of these recordings. This continuous feedback loop enhances performance and drives home the importance of consistent improvement.

    What are alternatives to call center screen recording?

    While contact center screen recording can be a valuable tool for QA, it’s not perfect. Some agents and businesses may have concerns over privacy and the potential to create discomfort or pressure to perform, not to mention the need to store large amounts of video data. However, there are still some alternatives you can offer, such as:

    • Spot checking: Randomly selecting calls to assess performance provides a snapshot of daily operations without the invasiveness of a full screen recording.
    • Coaching sessions: Personalized sessions can be a more effective way to improve agent skills without relying on persistent monitoring.
    • Mixing and matching: Combine screen recording with other methods in moderation can help create a solid foundation for quality assurance without feeling intrusive.
    • Speech and text analytics: Some powerful QA tools can offer AI-powered analytics that can analyze agent-customer interactions without visual monitoring.
    • Live call monitoring: Supervisors and evaluators can listen in on live calls, offering immediate feedback and support to reps when needed.

    Pairing screen recording and quality assurance

    Screen recording isn’t a new technological marvel by any means. It allows contact center managers to get a first-person look at how their agents interact with customers and resolve issues, opening up a wealth of information. And that information can be used to improve agent performance, streamline workflows, and create a better customer experience.

    Pairing call center screen recording with a powerful QA platform like Scorebuddy can make a massive impact, too. Adding in the detailed, thorough information that Scorebuddy can provide—like 100% interaction analysis, AI-powered data analytics, and auto-scoring, you can completely revolutionize your QA function.

    Interested in taking the next step? Sign up for a free demo and see what Scorebuddy can do for your business today.


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      Is call center screen recording free?

      While there may be basic versions or limited trial periods available at no cost, comprehensive solutions with advanced features like real-time monitoring, analytics, and integrations usually come with a subscription fee or one-time purchase cost. Pricing varies depending on the vendor, features, and scale of deployment.

      How does screen recording impact agent morale?

      Contact center screen recording can affect agent morale both positively and negatively. On the positive side, it can provide constructive feedback and opportunities for professional growth. However, if not managed well, it might lead to feelings of being micromanaged or distrusted.

      Clear communication about its purpose and a supportive training environment can mitigate negative feelings and enhance morale by focusing on development and improvement.
