
    Managing call center quality assurance as your company grows

    Monitoring call center quality assurance is essential for running a thriving call center. A call center quality assurance software gives managers the flexibility and range to review, analyze and understand their call center operations, conduct quality monitoring, improve their effectiveness and identify areas where agents can improve.  

    Why do you need a call center quality assurance solution?  

    Quality assurance monitoring provides the data to measure whether the call center meets goals, follows correct processes, remains compliant, and achieves defined outcomes. Contact Center QA enables managers to improve customer satisfaction and employee productivity by monitoring and tracking call center activity.  

    Call centers are at the forefront of efforts by businesses to service and retain customers. In a recent survey, 73% of business leaders directly linked their customer service and business performance. The consequences of poor service were stark, with 61% of customers prepared to switch to a competitor after one bad experience, which rose to 76% after two negative experiences. 

    Companies can combat this threat with analytics. Every interaction with a customer produces data that can be analyzed and used to alter behavior to help secure the relationship. Call centre performance data can provide insights to strengthen customer relationships and develop retention strategies. 

    QA in the call center is a significant component in managing customer expectations and loyalty and the overall health of the business. 

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    Why You Should Choose a Quality Assurance Solution as Part of your Contact Center Management 

    The call center is critical for customer relationships in most businesses, and those relationships can be strengthened by the behaviour and performance of call center agents. Most people judge a business by their interactions with the contact center, so companies must implement rigorous quality monitoring for long-term customer loyalty. 

    The future of the business may rest on the effectiveness of that quality monitoring, especially when it comes to harvesting insights that can improve overall call center performance. 

    To deliver consistent quality customer experiences, businesses need to: 

    • Set quality goals for the call center 
    • Create a quality monitoring scorecard 
    • Set pertinent parameters for scorecard development
    • Train managers and agents
    • Analyze calls for customer experience input
    • Monitor quality scorecards for relevant adjustments  

    Spreadsheets are not up to the job 

    Call center managers who rely on outdated reporting methods can find their progress frustrated because it is hard to get clear reports if the information is derived from several sources and entered manually. The margin for error can be significant and damaging to the business. 

    Spreadsheets cannot guarantee effective QA for several reasons:  

    • They are slow 
    • It is almost impossible to forecast with them 
    • They rely on built-in calculators to alter content with little to no flexibility 
    • It is challenging to manage multiple versions of the call center quality assurance form template 
    • They don’t monitor employees effectively
    • There’s too much potential for lost, corrupted, or incomplete data and reporting
    • Sharing and collaborating is difficult and time consuming because data is not centrally stored for easy access 

    Scorecards eliminate the need for manual spreadsheets. Call centers can improve agent skills and increase customer satisfaction by using scorecards to gauge agent performance. 

    Scorecards contain all the metrics for agent performance in one place. Managers can use them to make changes to boost customer satisfaction and revenue for the business, resulting in happier agents and better customer interactions. 

    Manage your QA Processes

    Built-in QA versus purpose-built QA 

    Scorecards are only as good as the system that creates them. The QA module can often appear close to an afterthought or a tick box exercise with many call centre systems. For many businesses, QA may not be a top priority when purchasing a call center system, but it can profoundly affect customer and agent retention. It is worth ensuring the QA solution lives up to the task.  

    Many built-in QA systems provide only limited scorecard creation options with fundamental answer choices, outcomes and feedback that could be limited to 1 to 5 or only three stars. Basic scorecards can only capture limited data, which restricts the system's reporting capability. If you only have primary data and feedback, you will have limited insights to make decisions about agent performance and engagement.  

    The level of detail you can capture and the ability to report on that detail is essential for helping agent engagement and retaining agents. Limited feedback makes it harder to provide the best direction and coach agents. Poorly coached agents can have a detrimental effect on Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings, affecting the company’s bottom line. Agents can become disillusioned and leave. Losing staff is expensive, and they can be hard to replace. 

    Talk to Scorebuddy

    These limitations can be exacerbated as your company grows. Purpose-built QA is far less likely to be subject to a built-in system's same restrictions and limitations. Call centers can get more from purpose-built QA systems by creating more complex scorecards that provide much better agents' feedback. Call center managers can: 

    • Save time on evaluation 
    • Reduce the time taken to compile reports 
    • Deliver meaningful and insightful results to agents 
    • Provide a method for agents to challenge those results 
    • Empower agents
    • Improve staff retention
    • Save time on meetings. 

    Get More From Your Contact Center 

    It isn't easy to get the best out of call center systems without an effective and focused QA solution. Purpose-built call center management solutions like Scorebuddy help empower managers and agents to provide better service than built-in systems or spreadsheets 

    Learn more about Call Center Quality Assurance. Download our eBook.


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