- Ben Adaway, Head of Support Services Development at World Wildlife Fund for Nature
World Wildlife Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) is the world's leading independent conservation organization. WWF helps to find ways to transform the future for the world's wildlife, rivers, forests and seas; to win conservation battles and drive positive change on behalf of the planet.
Several years ago, Ben Adaway, WWF's Head of Support Services headquartered in the UK embarked upon the development and implementation of a quality assurance (QA) framework that would govern its contact centers; and would improve the service experienced by its supporters and donors alike.
After a wide search for a solution, and after Scorebuddy demonstrated its efficacy. Ben readily understood why and how Scorebuddy would fit their needs for a robust, flexible, stand-alone solution to create and manage scorecards and most importantly, to analyze and report across all of WWF's aspects of customer experience. Ben used Call Center Helper to conduct research for potential solutions and to select a vendor that would meet their needs.
WWF's quality framework not only governs call center agents who receive inbound calls for donations, (customer service and donation calls) but also, all aspects of their fulfillment and fund-raising activities. Agents receiving donation calls are scored and reviewed weekly
WWF's compliance team establishes Scorebuddy across their fulfillment and outbound calling teams. Agents who support fulfillment including correspondence, adoption packets, fund raising packets and WWF's online store, are scored on their approach to donor interaction as defined by WWF's quality assurance framework.
WWF outsource their customer upgrade campaigns to an agency periodically through the year. They use Scorebuddy's Compliance and Calibration modules to manage the quality of these campaigns. Compliance is used to ensure that the agency adheres to some strict guidelines and Calibration is used to normalize scores where self-scoring is being employed, to assure consistency of scoring.
"Once we are confident that that agency knows what we are looking for, and we trust them, we will give them access to Scorebuddy and they will go and evaluate themselves. We will then go in and use the calibration tool to make sure that they are doing that correctly".
Self-scoring is a feature that is utilized by the internal WWF team. Agents conduct self-evaluations 3x/week, where their manager may conduct their evaluation 1x/week. The increased number of scores that come from this self-scoring provides a much richer data set for analysis. The results from which are used to identify service issues where training programs can be introduced.
Scorebuddy is being used by every aspect of WWF's client facing touchpoints, across all agents, direct and indirect. WWF agents use several channels including phone, email and live chat as part of their approach to customer service.
All scorecards contain the elements as defined by the WWF quality framework and are reported, tracked and analyzed using Scorebuddy's analytics dashboards. Training tips are delivered to the teams where performance is insufficient. Performance across all teams is performed on a monthly basis and are reviewed by the overall QA function.
WWF has designed a simple way to report on agent performance across all channels. They use agent dashboards showing individual agent performance over time and across channels, such that each agents' performance can be viewed as one graph at-a-glance.
Another benefit of the agent dashboard is that it offers the agent a transparent view of their own performance, "I want agents to be able to look at their dashboard and see one 'swiggley line' that is always above our target (ideally) and is always on an upwards trend".
These dashboards improve agent engagement by doing two things; they provide transparency to the agent as a result of their scores being available to them any time they want to review their performance, and they feel that they are included in the quality process by having the ability to engage with the performance reviewer.
Scorebuddy Surveys are being considered by WWF as a next step so that customer sentiment can be measured; as a way of determining how supporters are experiencing their agents. Tying customer sentiment back to agent scores, and aligning the two, will advance the power of WWFs quality framework. Benchmarking and mystery shopping programs are being employed now to evaluate calls and is informing the need for surveys in the future. Questions based upon customer satisfaction are planned to be used for the majority of conversations with supporters.