
    Why You Need Call Center Software for Effective Call Center QA

    Call center quality assurance (QA) is how you determine if your agents are meeting your goals. It’s your opportunity to identify the effectiveness of your customer service and improve the overall customer experience.

    Typically, quality assurance is a detailed assessment that includes overarching call center metrics such as NPS ratings, customer surveys, and productivity metrics. And on a more personal level, it assesses individual customer and agent interactions to assess professionalism, resolution, and satisfaction.

    If you’re looking to provide an exemplary customer experience, call center QA is essential for monitoring your performance and gaining insights. And one of the easiest and most effective ways to perform regular quality assurance is to use call center software.

    Choosing Your Call Center QA Software

    Call center QA software is a vital productivity tool that can simplify your quality assurance process. The right software can help you:

    • Maintain call quality standards
    • Adhere to compliance
    • Boost customer experience
    • Reinforce customer retention
    • Keep track of and improve quality assurance metrics

    The key is choosing software that has the appropriate features to handle all of your call center quality assurance needs.

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    Learn the five key features you should keep in mind when choosing your call center software:

    1. Automatic Call Volume Distribution

    The number of customer service calls is growing. In 2017, 64% of Americans contacted some form of customer service. Software that offers automatic call distribution helps you manage customer calls methodically and smoothly, no matter how large the load.

    2. Self-Help Tools

    When you help your customer save time and effort in finding a resolution to their problem, the customer experience improves infinitely. The truth is that over 60% of US consumers prefer automated self-service for simple customer service tasks. Call center technology that provides easy-to-use self-help tools for customers reduces the pressure on your agents and satisfies your help-seeking customers.

    3. Call Routing

    Routing calls on the basis of agent skills expedites the customer service process. It saves time, reduces frustration, and improves your first call resolution rate.

    4. Real-Time Reporting

    Real-time reporting helps you measure productivity, effectiveness, and customer experience, so you can continually improve. Data and metrics are essential for marking meaningful changes to your customer service.

    5. Integration

    Your call center software should also integrate with all of your other customer-facing tools, including CRM. In this way, you can provide a cohesive experience for all of your customers. 

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    Effectively Using Your Call Center Software

    Once you’ve chosen the appropriate call center software, you then need to make sure that you can use it. If you don’t take advantage of its full capabilities, not only are you leaving money on the table, you’re missing out on all the ways you can improve call center QA.

    Feedback, Support, and Training

    The first step to effectively using your call center software is to provide early and regular training. From the moment you hire an agent, they should be coached on how best to use the software until they are confident in their knowledge and experience. Then, it’s essential to keep up with training on a monthly or quarterly basis to ensure that everyone is using the software as effectively as possible.

    And don’t forget to get feedback from your agents on how best to use the software. Monitor and assess how your team uses the call center software on a regular basis, so you can update best practices as applicable.

    Updates and Innovation

    The best call center software solutions should continually provide updates and new innovations. Keep track of new features and monitor trends, so that you can implement any helpful updates as soon as they are released. Not only does this keep you on the cutting edge, but it also ensures you get the biggest bang for your buck.

    Technical and Usability Issues

    No software is perfect. Inevitably, there will be technical and usability issues that your team runs into. The key is to pay attention to any failures and then reach out to the call center software team with your feedback. They should be able to implement quick fixes, updates, and workarounds, so you can get back to focusing on customer service.

    Regularly Evaluate Your QA

    Just remember; call center quality assurance isn’t a process you can set up once and then ignore. Just as you should regularly check for updates and innovation in your call center software, you should develop and maintain evaluation forms about your quality assurance process. These evaluation forms will become the gold standard against which your call center QA will be measured.

    To gain a comprehensive understanding of your QA process, these forms should:

    • Identify important business and call center goals.
    • Map your goals to call center KPIs.
    • Include a performance scorecard that allows you to score agents against certain metrics.

    The aim of your QA forms is to consistently improve your call center QA process by monitoring what is working well and what isn’t.

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    External Benchmarking Is a Must

    But regularly checking how you’re doing isn’t enough. It’s also crucial that you keep up with how your competition is performing. How you are measuring up to other call centers will help you hone in on what you’re doing well and what you can do better.

    To get started, focus on benchmarking based on key performance indicators (KPIs). Then, take a look at the top performers in your industry to see how they stack up. From there, choose one QA area to improve before moving on. Benchmarking is a continuous loop that helps you reach and remain a leader in call center customer service.

    Solid call center quality assurance is essential to a positive customer experience, and call center software is a vital tool in the process. Without the right software and knowing how to use it, you won’t be as effective at getting the job done.

    Installing and using the right software is only half the battle. You have to continually work at improving the QA process and benchmarking against your competitors if you want to be a customer service leader.


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